Monday, September 12, 2011

The Weekend


    So this weekend was pretty fun.  Friday night after work I went to my sister's house and we watched like 8 episodes of Firefly while eating a smorgasbord of tasty food.  We had 3 different cheeses and 3 different meats.  We had an assortment of crackers and 2 baguettes accompanied by cinnamon nuts and raspberries.  Some delightful red and white wine respectively, and ice cream for dessert.
    While basking in the gloriousness of Firefly, I had an epiphany, a profound idea of sorts.  Why is it every time you watch an epic kind of show or movie you desperately want that type of show or movie to be real life?  Its like all you can think of is how you can make this your reality and live these lives and have these adventures and have that be your existence instead of this one.  Man what I would give to trail blaze through space with Captain Reynolds and the crew of the Serenity, avoiding those gorram reavers and living free, fast and fun!

    Why isn't it socially acceptable to transform yourself and life to replicate those you see in your favorite fantasy world?  One day my friends I will successfully figure out how to go off somewhere with all my close friends and people in the world I hold dear and create this world and life and live happily. Or we'll all just go into the woods and just BE Harry Potter.

    But alas, for now I shall live this life and do what must be done to sustain it and grow.  But there will always be that yearning and longing in the back of my mind to take off into the sunset pursuing an adventurous life full of fun.

    Well that all occurred on Friday.....Saturday I got a haircut, wrote a speech for my communication class, went to the gym, did some Loveless City stuff (Loveless City is my clothing line by the way.  enjoyed the rain and cloudy weather, went to my cousin's house and chilled with friends, played a little poker and went to bed.

Sunday was consumed by football.

Now it is Monday afternoon and I am at work daydreaming of an intergalactic adventure through time and space.



  1. Who says you can't have epic adventures as such? Just be imaginative and do it for a me, it's totally worth it. Granted, I don't think I could ever go with my fantasy of flying off in a Tardis with the Doctor, but could happen.

  2. If you're deciding to just BE Harry Potter, please bring me with you.

  3. @rosmelie, no doubt!! @ Sara dont worry ur def on the list =)

  4. I want Avatar to be real. I could deal without being blue... But I'd live there.

    Or Middle Earth. But like... After the bad stuff happened.
