Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Soup De Jour


    I love Musicals.  I haven’t seen a whole lot of them but I love them!  Sound of Music, West Side Story, My Fair Lady, Hairspray, Les Miserables, Dr. Horrible, even High School Musical.  I want to see more because I love Musicals.  I love them so much that while I was scanning like 200 pages of documents today, I started singing random parts of all the musicals I love. I was also secretly hissing at people like an alley cat as I walked by, just loud enough to where they were confused and I was like "what was that, weird huh?"

I love to sing, I love to dance, Musicals make me happy.

One time, this is true by the way, I was eating dinner with my sister and our waiter came up to the table and I told him I love musicals.  I am not afraid to proclaim my love for sporadic song and dance.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could just break out into a musical number throughout your day no matter what you were doing, and have it be OK and applauded and loved it? That would awesome.

Oh and I’m wearing my pin stripe dress pants today and they are a little to short for my legs, kind of look like high water trousers....

Note to Self:

"SELF"... get a new pair of dress pants that fit properly.


  1. Holy crap! I forgot about that waiter. Man he LOVED you after that. Seriously.

  2. Thank heaven for little girls, no matter where no matter who, without them what would little boys do. - Gigi. I bet I love more musicals than you do

  3. I think we need testosterone in this office not to mention another to break out in song with me... You should come join me, this could make life tons more intresting and maybe I won't get weird looks all the time :P Side note: You, Liz and Carla should come see Evil Dead :) We open Oct. 13th! Justtttt sayin! ;)

  4. I love them too Jake and I'm proud that you are comfortable with your manly side to proclaim such a fact.
