Friday, September 9, 2011

An Obsession

I love giving people new names. It’s a game I have been playing for years and years.  I’m not sure where it manifested itself from, but I have always had a superb desire to either make up completely random and obscure names and give them to people, or actually give them real new names. Usually, that have to do with completely random and obscure people.  Sometimes they aren’t even real words or names for that matter, but whatever comes out of my mouth becomes your new name. 

     Along with giving people these new names, I will often times use names as cuss words too.  For example, I have a weird obsession with the name Lou Dobbs, you know the news reporter or whatever he is.  I for some reason say this name a lot.  Whether in anger like..."Son of a Lou Dobbs"  or ..."You remind me of Lou Dobbs."  Even though I have never met him and have only seen him like on TV, and it was really quick, and I was young like 15 or something.  But his name finds itself playing a part in my day somehow.  I have had entire day long conversations with my mom when all we say to each other is..."Your new name is_____" and "My name is____."  This may seem really strange, weird, and possibly even frightening but I assure you it is normal....

So I guess if you were to take any solid information out of this post, any tangible insight into my mind it would be that......... I Love Star Wars!!!!


  1. Interesting with the names there Jacob.....

  2. 1. Oh my gawd, you have a blog. I need to link to this from mine ASAP. Which means I'll be back in five seconds to finish this comment.

    2. You do have your own language sometimes.

    3. I need to see you again so you can give me a random name.

    4. You really ARE random.

    5. Miss you!

  3. YAY Mary i miss you like nuts!!!!! your the killer....

  4. That makes so much sense with the "orbachild" nickname!! I need a nickname too! I feel so left out!! Miss you like a cop misses donuts!!

  5. I use BOB SAGET as my cuss word. It's my replacement for GD.

  6. Lovin all yalls comments, i got you victoria! and @cloudie Day... Bob Saget=perfection on the name front for things... diggin =)

  7. As crazy as your obsession sounds ( :P ), I must admit that I wish my friends and family did that! That's so awesome! :)

    And I love Star Wars too!

    Leanne x

  8. Gotta admit, I don't use names in place of cussing but I do use alternate words - like Son of a Biscuit!

    I am totally adding this to follow so I can keep up with your crazy, because I miss your crazy.

    And aside from missing you, I only have this to say:


  9. Listen people, if you want to really get some insight into Jacob's mind, read Moose.
